A Doll House Essay: The Issue Of Woman’s Freedom


The play “A Doll’s House”, which consists of three acts, is one of the well-known papers of Henrik Ibsen. In paper, the author opens the socio-philosophical question of man’s choice and desire to play a certain role in life. In this Dolls House essay, we will discern the problem of woman’s freedom in the paper of Ibsen “A Doll’s House”. The other key problems of humanity, that had global nature, were described in 1984 George Orwell essay. Nevertheless, the author clearly sympathizes with his heroine of this play, exposing her as a loving wife, which is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of her husband and family. While reading this paper, it seems that each of main characters live their secret lives and the its only visible part is some kind of screen, a mask, behind which they hide and by the means of which manipulate the lives of other people. In Ibsen’s world, people are dolls, puppets of each other. They free only under certain conditions and circumstances and show their identity. Characters reveal their inner world, which is contrary to disagree with their role.

Woman’s Influence On The Author’s Creation

Henrik Ibsen is a great representative of the realistic trend in the literature. Do you need smart writing ? Our service can definitely help you. However, he was extremely timid in all things, which even remotely came to the topic of sex. During the medical examination, he hesitated, for example, to show his genitals to the doctor. Hunter of any obscene stories, he could not force himself to use them in his literary works. There were many anecdotes about his shyness with women, when he was young. Despite of this fact, he became intimately familiar with the house cleaner Elsa Yensdatter, who was 10 years older than he was. Young Ibsen made an offer for 15-year-old Rikke Holst in Bergen. He initially acted as timid and shy. Therefore, Rikke, which fell in love with him, she met with him herself and even took the lead in their relations. Success has expanded his circle of acquaintances, and Ibsen became acquainted with a woman, who later became his wife. Susana Thoresen was the daughter of a priest, very energetic, and with very radical views. Ibsen wrote to her that if they unite their destinies, he certainly will achieve fame in the literary world. Their marriage took place in 1858. Ibsen called Suzanne “pussycat” and was completely dependent from her.

 Ibsen liked girls and young woman. According to the words of his wife, he always admired very young maidens, but he liked them as “purely aesthetic, as if he looked at a painting or a statue”. Subsequently, when Ibsen became a celebrity, there were many young women around him, and he realized that the glory is a powerful aphrodisiac.  However, he did not want or was unable to turn their desires into action. He was the object of erotic passion of young woman, and he made them the characters of his plays. If they incited passions, it was only in his imagination. Ibsen liked to dream that if he were rich, he would have bought the best ship in the world and would have hired a gypsy orchestra and would  have gone on this ship to tropical island. There would be only best friends and “the most beautiful women in the world” around him on that ship. His passion for the young girls had obviously not been accompanied by sexual relations, and this caused a “storm” in the soul of Ibsen’s controversy. To sum up, two main aspects of woman’s influence on the creation of author:

  • He was loved by many women, therefore the main good characters of his plays were women;
  • His passion to the woman was marked with the help of writing.

A Doll House essay will give answer on the woman question in the play of writer. Do you need qualitative paper? Our services are that you are looking for!

The Problem Of Woman’s Freedom In The Play “A Doll’s House”

“A Doll’s House” is a play of famous playwright, which describes most important questions of that time:

  • question of woman’s happiness;
  • question of family relations and the status of the family in the society;
  • question of woman’s freedom.

However, we will talk about the last question. Henrik Ibsen was as a man with hard character, but he had generous nature. He was attracted to the people, which could sacrifice everything, even own wellbeing in order to help other people. Ibsen was the one of the first, who described the family and the roles of its representatives, also as a question of woman’s happiness and freedom. Understanding the mechanism of the family’s happiness was the real purpose of this play. Henrik Ibsen thought that only society could choose its fate.

Heroine Nora considers that the love to her family is her main purpose in order to achieve woman’s happiness. She thinks that there is only peace and happiness in her family and her lovely husband Helmer loves her above all in the world. However, Nora has a dirty mystery in her past. Forging the signature of her dead father in order to get money from the local businessman Krogstad was a start of problems for her. Nora did it 8 years ago for medicines, as her husband was seriously ill. She did it silently, therefore nobody knew about it. All ended good that time. Nora was sure, that it was an act of love and devotion to the husband. Nevertheless, start of problems began. Krogstad, who is a man with very bad principles of moral, blackmails Nora in order to get a job, mainly high post in the bank, where Helmer works.

Krogstad’s letter shows the real “faces” of the family. Torvald begins to worry about the status of his family, when he learns about the debt of Nora. He does not even think about the feelings of his wife. Nora becomes criminal in his eyes. It seems that there is no wife in his life at this moment. Torvald even considers that such criminal cannot take care of his children. The situation solves in a very interesting way. Realizing that he has done wrong, Krogstad refuses from his claims and says that there is no threat for the family of Helmer and Nora. Torvald is happy again, but Nora feels, that she is disappointed.

The woman realized that she was never happy and she was never free. Trying to help her family, family, mainly her lovely husband, outraged her feelings. She was a toy of her father, and after that, she becomes a lovely “dolly” for her husband. In addition, her children were her own dolls. It cannot be real home, when any trouble goes in and destroys it like a doll’s house. Nora decides to begin her new life. She starts this decision from the leaving of her house and family. Torvald reminds her about her mother’s duty. Nora just answers that she is a person, free person, and wants to live her life without the idiotic rules of the society. With the help of his drama “A Doll’s House” Henrik Ibsen opened a problem of emancipation of women, as also about idiotic rules of society in the sphere of family relations.


Henrik Ibsen was one of the writers, who discussed the problem of woman’s freedom in the family relations. We can clearly see this in his play “A Doll’s House”. Main heroine only in difficult time realizes that all her life was a lie and she lost all her identity and she decides to begin a new life. Henrik Ibsen discussed a key topic, which was crucial at that time for Europe – emancipation of women.