Lung Cancer Essay: An Awful Health Problem


Lung Cancer EssayLung cancer is a disease characterized by a malignant tumor that affects lung cells and tissues. The growth of lung cells can spread as metastasis into nearby parts of the organism. Depending on the place of onset, carcinoma of lung is subdivided in:

- central

- peripheral

- mixed

This disease is a serious medicinal and social problem; it is one of the most detected malignant tumors in the developed countries, and it often becomes the cause of death of oncologic patients. If you want to get your lung cancer essay or other essays on different topics, visit our custom essay writing solutions.

Medical professionals define some causes of lung cancer:

- smoking

- air pollution

- virus infections

- radon gas

Tobacco smoking is one of the seeds of lung cancer. Cigarette smoke contains about 60 harmful carcinogens. Besides, it is supposed that nicotine affects the immune system favoring at malignization of tissues. About 90% of death lung cancer happen because of smoking. When the smoking history of a person is long, the exposure to disease consequently increases. If a person gives up smoking, the risk declines as affected lungs begin to rehabilitate themselves, and contaminated parts gradually disappear. Besides, researchers claim that a person who has never smoked has better chances not to be taken ill with cancer. Secondhand smoke (inhalation of tobacco smoke from another smoker) is the cause of lung cancer for those who do not smoke. It is believed that the smoke inhaled by a smoker is more dangerous than its inhalation from a cigarette. About 15% of lung cancer patients have never smoked in their lives. If you like our essay on lung cancer and want to get some additional useful information, check our cause and effect essay on smoking.

The influence of radon (gas without color and smell formed as the result of the disintegration of radioactive radium) is the second lung cancer cause. The concentration of this gas in the atmosphere depends on a region and the composition of bedrocks and stone rocks. For instance, in the areas where granite is quarried, radon is greatly concentrated, and buildings need high-quality ventilation in order to reduce the concentration of this gas. The other factors that frequently become the causes of lung cancer are asbestosis, virus infections and dust particles. If you are fond of medicine and like our cancer essays, check our argumentative essay on abortion:

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As a result of the clinical examination, such symptoms of lung cancer are defined:

- first rank symptoms (coughing, blood spitting, wheeze and chest pain)

- secondary symptoms conditioned by complication while a tumor is growing (inflammatory processes, budding in nearby organs, metastases)

- common symptoms, typical of malignant tumors while influencing the organism (general weakness, tiredness, performance decrement)

Nowadays, there are some diagnostic methods that help to reveal lung cancer. For instance:

- roentgen diagnostics

- bronchoscopy

- transthoracic biopsy

- ultrasonic diagnostics

- tumor markers

Roentgen diagnostics is considered a principal diagnostic method; it allows timely revealing cancer in about 80 % of patients. If you have a desire to switch off from this topic, you can read our essay on alcohol abuse in order to enlarge your scope.

Fortunately, at the early stages, this disease responds to treatment, and patient’s lifetime can be lengthened. The choice of treatment depends on the histological grade of cancer, its prevalence and existence of metastases. In the whole, four major types of treatment are defined:

- surgical service

- radiation therapy

- chemotherapy

- palliative treatment

If you are searching for a high-quality essay, feel free to contact our professional writing service system and you will get what you need. At the early stages of lung cancer, the most effective treatment is the combination of surgery and radiotherapy. After a patient underwent surgical interference (lobectomy or pneumonectomy), he/she has to undergo a course of radiation therapy. If cancer is considered inoperable, or a patient refuses to undergo surgical interference, or if there are some contraindications for such interference, radiation therapy can be conducted as the main method of treatment. If you like the style of our essay on cancer and want to get your high-quality essay on various topics, feel free to visit our about us section for additional information. Chemotherapy is conducted if there are some contraindications for surgery and radiation therapy. However, in some types of lung cancer, the complex of chemo- and radiotherapy is considered the most effective method treatment. If metastases are distant, chemotherapy does not lead to recovery; it only decreases the morbidity and slightly lengthens the lifetime. Palliative treatment is used when the possibilities of antineoplastic therapy are limited or depleted. It is directed to the improvement of quality of life and the increase of lifetime for incurable patients. Palliative treatment includes some methods:

- pain relief

- oxygen therapy

- psychological support

- blood transfusion

- detoxification

- palliative radiation therapy

If you want to enrich your knowledge, do not hesitate to read our essay on euthanasia:

To sum it up, lung cancer is one of the most serious oncology diseases in the modern world. Mostly it is caused by tobacco smoking, but there are some other factors that can be the reasons of this terrible disease. Fortunately, modern medicine gives chances for your recovery. However, lung cancer can be successfully cured when it is at its early stages. It is necessary to visit your oncologist when you begin to feel first rank symptoms that can be confused with other diseases. Moreover, if you give up smoking, the exposure to disease significantly decreases. So, take care of your health in order not to be taken ill with one of the most horrible diseases in the world. Do you know any other methods of lung cancer treatment? Do you have any stories about successful cases of recovery? Welcome to our blog and do not be shy to share your thoughts with us. We are waiting for your responses!

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